Sunday, April 15, 2007

God continues to move...

Our desire is to proclaim the works of the Lord. It has been such a joy to hear from so many of you. It has been our privilege to hear how God is working in your lives as you walk your faith journeys.

We had a couple contact us after 13 years of not hearing from them. It was fantastic to hear how God is asking them to support Quest after all of these years!

One couple sent us an email sharing how God had spoken to the husband through a dream, asking them to support Quest with $16,000. Never having heard from God before through dreams, they prayed about it and decided to step out in faith and use some of their retirement funds to obey God. Their quote was that "God's shovel is bigger"! May God bless them as only He can.

We have had donations come from pastor couples, young married couples, retired friends and one special donation made in the loving memory of a loved one. It is so exciting for us to see our Quest support base coming together.

Praise God together with us. Please remember to pray for Quest and support in which ever way you can. Together we can see God's vision fulfilled for Quest Brazil.

Any questions or comments can be sent to

In Christ,

Team Quest


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