Saturday, May 19, 2007

Introducing Team Quest...
Dwayne & Shannon Klassen with Jaden, Jasper and Jessi

Here are some of Shannon's thoughts on the future of Quest:

Even before I came to Brazil, God had impressed upon my heart a desire to see the suffering stop in lives of the children, and young people in Brazil. And now after more than a year of living here that burden has become even stronger especially after seeing the conditions in which they live in. I'm not just meaning that of poverty in material things such as having a house with a real roof, or enough food to eat, but that of hopelessness. The strong belief that if you don't grow up having wealth you have little to no chance of becoming anything in this world. I believe that God is going to use this Ministry of Quest and this team to rise up and say that we believe that they do have a chance. We believe that with God all things are possible and he wants to transform the lives of these young people, these kids and their families into what he created them for. We all have a purpose, some of us just haven't figured it out yet!!!!

Dwayne will be working in the administration of Quest. He has many years of experience in camping which has and will continue to help build this new camp.

Here is what Dwayne has to say regarding his highlights in Brazil:

I think it would have to be seeing how eager and excited the Brazilians are for God to begin Quest. Everyone who hears the vision God has planted for Quest, Christian and not, is excited and thinks this is a wonderful thing. Most of the people also offer to assist in what ever way they can. We have seen and heard from so many people who heard about Quest and want to be a part of something this important and life impacting.

We knew that it was important for the Brazilians to claim ownership for this ministry to prosper, but what God has done through them blows any doubt out of the water that they won't make this their own. Many of the Brazilians have taken the vision God has given and made it their own.

This has really ecouraged me, personally, to work that much harder at seeing God's vision for Quest fulfilled.


At 7:48 AM, Blogger Volnei said...

Estou gostando de saber das novidades do QUEST pelo blog, mas varios Brasileiros que não sabem ingles tambem gostariam de compartilhar da alegria de ver este projeto sendo concretizado na graça e no amor Jesus. Então peço que se possivel publiquem de forma bilingue Portugues/ingles (como o Scott a e Patsy fazem no blog pessoal deles.

Grande abraço! Deus continue abençoando voces!

At 10:42 AM, Blogger Eric F. said...

Hey Jaden! How's it going in Brazil?! Are you having fun there?
I hear you guys are trying to make a camp. Well i hope to hear from you in the future!

Your friend,

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Eric F. said...

Plz get back to me at Thanks!


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